Saturday 19 March 2011


I was walking and wondering about the sudden silence surrounding stopping.
Envisage yourself on a mission...your feet quickly shuffling, your steps start rushing, your eyes are narrowed to the place you need to go.
When out of the blue, like raindrops in summer. You suddenly stopped.
Your silenced in your tracks.

It is so unexpected, but just like that one thing can change the tempo you had going.
 Your walking like your on a mission; like a climber absailing a mountain, you have in mind the place you need to go; you quicken your pace, hastily looking at the time.

Whatever the thing is that can stop you in your tracks; it sure controls something in you, it has a way of tunneling to a place you cannot touch, it flicks a spark, and just like that you stop.
I was marching my path i take every day, when all of a sudden, just like that,, i stopped.
In my chemical buildup, chocolate is what makes my fuse box kick in.
When i see it, something inside me explodes; electricity in my blood runs faster; all senses are clouded, i forget where i am.

For me a  cute chocolate boutique is what stops me dead in my tracks.
There has never been a piece of chocolate that has in the least dissapointed me.
Chocolate, It is soundless; it doesn't even have a face, but if has a way of letting my worries dissaper for a little while, slip and melt away.

The smell of chocolate ignites a river in my mind, it flows and laces through my veins, my eyes bludge huge;
i can't be contained.
In a chocolate store, they are all decorated, roasted, dusted, dunked in grounded cocoa beans, milk, caramel, anything you like, you just ask, and they'll have it!
After, a couple of minutes...or an hour, i can finally but against my will leave.
I buy a little chocolate to carry on my mission with me.
Back on my journey, i walk contemplating....about the forbidden secret is to stopping.


  1. nice piece of writing, well done!
    shame about the spelling mistakes, i suggest u proof read your work next time....

  2. hi smithee, thanks for the comment and feedback, will take it into consideration next time.
